509 Pounds of DoDuds Donations, ready for pickup

509 Pounds of donations to DoDuds, ready to ship out to women's shelters in several regions of the US on Monday.

Once again, the generosity of the business owners in this industry astounds me. Here is another mountain of boxes, sorted, packed and ready to be picked up on Monday by UPS. These boxes are filled with all kinds of NEW apparel which was donated to the DoDuds Apparel Drive, the main program of the NNEP's Embroidery Network Foundation.

All of these new items will be in the hands of the women and their families receiving services from women's shelters in several regions of the country by the middle of this week. These facilities will be able to provide new winter jackets, sweatshirts, baby apparel, blankets, t-shirts, polar fleece - and all of these items are desperately needed by these facilities because many of their residents arrive with little to no clothing, having left their homes in crisis mode.

If you have samples, "ooops" products, discontinued items and things that are new but that you know you will not be able to use in your business, please consider donating these items to the DoDuds Apparel Drive. The items can be blank or decorated - it does not matter.One hundred percent of the apparel is shipped to facilities that have a great need for new apparel items. All of the time to manage the program is donated by the NNEP team.

One hundred percent of the apparel is shipped to facilities that have a great need for all new apparel items, for infants, toddlers, children and adults. All of the time to manage the program is donated by the NNEP team.

Ship new apparel items (except ball caps, none of the facilities accept ball caps) to the DoDuds Drive here:

  • DoDuds Apparel Drive | 4693 Kent Road | Kent OH 44240

If you would like more information about the program or how you can help, contact NNEP at 330-678-4887.


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