A Good Day

It is a GOOD DAY here at NNEP when our mail carrier (Hi Mike!) shows up with this box - the new GIANT catalog from One Stop, one of the preferred vendors with NNEP. This requires a fresh pot of coffee, and an in-depth perusal of all the new apparel and products now available to embroidery and apparel decoration business owners at wholesale prices, on demand.

I find it rather extraordinary that companies like One Stop exist. They take all the risks of maintaining a huge variety of products, in a seemingly endless array of colors, sizes, styles and fabrics just so that our customers can say, "I want one of these in royal blue in XL, and 3 of those in red, 1 S and 2 L."

Our industry could not exist without companies like One Stop, as they allow independent embroidery business owners to operate on a "just in time" inventory model, where we get exactly what we need when we need it. We do not need to maintain a selection of inventory on hand in all sizes, all colors because we can get whatever we need within a few days from a wholesale distributor like One Stop.

If you do not have a relationship with the wholesale distributors that you use the most frequently, now is the time to consider building one. Call and ask if you have an inside and an outside sales rep. Ask to speak with them. Find out if the outside rep is ever in your area, and if you can have them stop by to say hello and maybe even give you a line show. It is much easier to sell products when you know more about them! When you put in a order on the phone, ask to speak with your inside rep. If you get a larger order, they may be able to assist you with ensuring you get all of it and at the best possible price.

So, when your mail carrier arrives with a big box for you, first thank them, as you can well-imagine the workout they get delivering these packages. Next, take the time to look through the catalog so that you see what is new, what might appeal to your customers, and what you might want to show to your customers right away. Then make sure that if you place an order for some samples to update your sales materials, that you connect with your inside rep and maybe even your outside rep.

By the way, of you are a member of NNEP, the National Network of Embroidery Professionals, you get to save money when you order from One Stop, as members qualify for case pricing, even when ordering single pieces! Thanks to One Stop for being our preferred vendor partner in supporting the success of the members of NNEP!

Welcome to 2019! It is off to a great start with companies like One Stop on your side.


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