BLB-Banner Ad-01 for NNEP (1) banner ad 2017
"Thanks so much for the great ideas! You just gave me well more than $200 of information, just in this conversation! And I LOVE the fact you picked up the phone - not voicemail."
-Rosemarie Stefaniw, Lucky 1 Embroidery
"Even if I only call ONCE a year, this membership is worth it! You ALWAYS help me take care of it, whatever IT is, and I so appreciate that! And of course, I call more than once a year."
- Joyce P, Kickin Stitchin
"Thanks so much for all you do to help us small embroidery businesses hang in there and at times thrive along with the big guys."
- Sue, Walters Embroidery
"I am so glad to be a member! The conference last month was fantastic, and the support appreciated! I love all the information provided since I am just starting out. Thank you."
- Dana D, Embroidered Accents