Talk about Awkward...

Here is an example of email marketing gone wrong. This email arrived today. It is addressed to Susan Ritchie, one of the co-founders of NNEP. She died in 2016. (dang, I miss you Mom!!!) Your words matter, people!!! Hi Susan, I tried reaching out several times earlier regarding the [product/services] we provide but haven't been…
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NNEP's 365+ Social Media Prompts Tool

so·cial me·di·a /ˌsōSHəl ˈmēdēə/  noun websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking  --- aka --- something you suspect that you should be doing regularly for your business, but you NEVER have the time and you never know what to post, so you rarely do it More than…
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Bring on 2022!

Happy new year to you and your family! Did you do anything special as the clock rolled over and launched 2022? We watched a movie and enjoyed a quiet evening at home, pretty exciting stuff! So, what's new at NNEP, the National Network of Embroidery Professionals? Well, we are updating the great deals and discounts…
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5 Crucial Holiday Shipping Strategies for Ecommerce Sellers

The peak season is upon us and if you’re an ecommerce seller, you’ve probably already been stocking up your inventory and preparing for the increase in traffic to your site. As you’re getting ready for this busy time of year, check out these five crucial holiday shipping strategies from our benefit provider PartnerShip. With the…
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Marketing Ideas for Less Than $100

If you are still in business, my hat is off to you! You are making it in spite of this pandemic. With just a few months left in 2020, you may be looking for ways to connect with new customers and to remind your existing customers that you are in business and ready to create…
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Hanging in there?

I wanted to touch base today and see how you are holding up. This new reality - it is hard to believe it has been 5+ months already. And from what I can tell, there is no real timeline as to when things will shift yet again, to whatever life looks like next, or post-pandemic,…
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Meet their Need to Build your Embroidery Business

Marketing is the equivalent of asking someone on a date. Branding is the reason they say yes. -Ren Jones- Many embroidery and apparel decoration business owners operate under the impression that they are selling embroidery and apparel decoration. When in fact, we are often selling branding! Granted, there are plenty of orders where we are…
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COVID-19: How Can Customers Try on Products Safely

How do you keep your customers safe when it comes to trying on samples? This is yet another twist in this COVID-19 world we now live in... This question was posed by NNEP member Barbara C. of Barb's Embroidery, "I need some guidance. We have recently started working with a fire department. Sometimes they want…
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