4693 Kent Road | Kent, Ohio 44240

Category: Business

New Computer from Encore Embroidery Equipment, New NNEP Preferred Vendor

NNEP is having a banner spring with all these excellent companies joining the NNEP Preferred Vendor Program! This week, we welcome Encore Embroidery Equipment.  Encore Embroidery Equipment specializes in sales, service and training on the Melco Amaya BRAVO. As a NNEP member, when you purchase a “C” package from Encore, you will also receive a…
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NNEP adds Wild West Designs as Preferred Vendor

Whether you are starting an embroidery business or already have an embroidery business, starting with great digitizing is one of the keys to your success! We are always excited to introduce a new supplier to embroidery business owners, especially when they come with RAVING referrals from their current customers. NNEP welcomes Evan West and Wild West…
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How Much Are You Missing?

In an issue of Stereophile Magazine Jason Serinus offered the following story: In the San Francisco Bay Area, where I live, a man on a municipal light-rail train recently pulled out a .45-caliber pistol and shot another passenger as he was exiting the train. Although security-video footage revealed that the gun was clearly visible before…
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NNEP + Versace? You Bet!

  Another unique opportunity for some NNEP members possibly... I just got off the phone with a lady named Shelley. She is coordinating details for some special promotions to be held in several Versace stores. I do not have the details yet. She inquired about connecting with embroidery professionals who could bring their equipment into…
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It is YOUR Future!

 "The bad news is that the past was in your hands but the good news is that the future, my friend, is also in your hands." - Andy Andrews, The Traveler's Gift So, here is the million dollar question: What are you doing TODAY, right this very moment, to craft the future YOU WANT for…
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alphabroder Acquires Ash City

  In case you have not been keeping up with the industry news as it relates to the rebranding of what used to be Alpha Shirt Company and Broder Bros, they are now known as alphabroder.  And they just acquired the brand Ash City! Check out this link in a recent issue of Printwear to…
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Bowling for Dollars, NNEP-style

We get the coolest calls here at NNEP!  I just got off the phone with a guy named Steve. Steve runs a gigantic event for bowlers each year out West. And guess what? He needs an embroidery professional to come set up in a 10' x 15' space to sell embroidered goods to his 17,000+…
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How to Talk Properly - on Social Media

We are excited to offer some great training to embroidery business owners this week - a webinar on Social Marketing! Whether you are trying to start an embroidery business, or make your embroidery business more successful, talking "properly" on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest can help you grow your business.  NNEP members can attend this training…
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Off to a Great Start

It is DONE! What is done, you are wondering?  My financial record-keeping for NNEP for 2013!  Yup, my part of the process is done, and boy oh boy does that feel GOOD!  I am usually the one that is scrambling the week before the deadline to gather all the bits and snips of paper to…
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How To Get Things DONE!

Getting things DONE - boy is that hard! Particularly when you own an embroidery business or apparel decoration business. You are pulled in so many different directions - all the time. You have to sell yourself and your products. Maybe you also have to produce your products. And do not even get me started about…
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