4693 Kent Road | Kent, Ohio 44240

Category: Events

How Much Are You Missing?

In an issue of Stereophile Magazine Jason Serinus offered the following story: In the San Francisco Bay Area, where I live, a man on a municipal light-rail train recently pulled out a .45-caliber pistol and shot another passenger as he was exiting the train. Although security-video footage revealed that the gun was clearly visible before…
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NNEP + Versace? You Bet!

  Another unique opportunity for some NNEP members possibly... I just got off the phone with a lady named Shelley. She is coordinating details for some special promotions to be held in several Versace stores. I do not have the details yet. She inquired about connecting with embroidery professionals who could bring their equipment into…
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NNEP's ENF Does It Again

The Embroidery Network Foundation, a not-for-profit started by the leadership at NNEP nearly 10 years ago, lends a helping hand again, sending donated new apparel to a facility in Indiana to help families in need. We just received the nicest letter from the Julian Center, thanking the Embroidery Network Foundation for the clothes. Read their…
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It's that Simple

We work with NNEP members all day long, day after day.  Our purpose - to help members of NNEP to be more profitable, to move their businesses forward, to overcome what ever is standing in the way of their success. We are often asked a question that looks boils down to this, "How do I…
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NNEP Lesson https://www.nnep.com/wp-content/cache/background-css/www.nnep.com/?wpr_t=1738311190472

Well, what can I say - apparently I/we here at NNEP have to learn some lessons the hard way. The lesson I learned the hard way recently is that if you are traveling with your computer or iPad, there are steps you should take before you even leave to protect yourself, should anything happen to your…
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Thriving with Stress training for NNEP members

We are very excited to announce a webinar for NNEP members on 9/10/13 at 10:30 AM EST - Thriving with Stress, presented by Dr. Frank Wood. We just emailed NNEP members an invitation to this special event.  I have wrestled this very smart man into doing some stress management training for NNEP members.  He is…
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NNEP's 2014 Embroidery Mart Schedule

    Grab your calendar and mark these dates for the NNEP Embroidery Mart trade shows in 2014! Embroidery Mart - COLUMBUS March 21-22, 2014Columbus Convention Center - NEW location!Columbus, OH  Embroidery Mart - NASHVILLE August 15-16, 2014Music City Center - NEW facility!Nashville, TNTo receive info about ATTENDING these events - click the green button below:  To get information about EXHIBITING at…
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Embroidery Mart is nearly here!

Embroidery Mart, a trade show for embroidery and apparel decoration business owners presented by the NNEP, is nearly here!  Embroidery Mart pre-registration ends Monday, 7/22/13. If you use Internet Explorer (the blue "E" symbol) to get online, you may have to call NNEP to register - 800-866-7396.  Or try a different web browser such as…
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Winners Announced for NNEP's Embroidery Mart

Three lucky attendees at Embroidery Mart are the winners of a free night at the Renaissance Hotel this year. Congratulations to Jean Wooton, Linda Young and Erika Heitzman.  They will be enjoying one of their nights in Nashville at NNEP's Embroidery Mart compliments of the NNEP and the Renaissance Hotel. The deadline to pre-register is…
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Jennifer Cox Podcast with 2 Regular Guys

It was fun doing a podcast* about Embroidery Mart this morning with Terry Combs and Aaron Montgomery.  They host an show on the internet called "2 Regular Guys."  They chat about anything and everything in or connected to the decorated apparel industries. *If you are new to the term "podcast," here is the wiki:  a type…
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