Ready to add another machine? Browse our classifieds. Looking to hire someone? Want to relocate? Post a Classified Ad here at At the moment, this is a free service to everyone in the industry!

Looking for another machine? Trying to find a great contractor? Looking for a hooping device? Browse our classifieds. Looking to hire someone? Want to relocate? Post a Classified Ad. PLEASE NOTE: Ads do not appear immediately, as they must be approved by NNEP to become visible.

13 Responses

  1. Guy Moore says:

    Found a box of hoops in the warehouse. Embroidered does not need them. I will ship to a good home rather than the dumpster.

  2. Nan says:

    Is there a specific place we go to post items for sale?

    • Jennifer Cox says:

      Hi Nan, there sure it! Go to the classified ads page ( to create or edit your ad. It does NOT go live until we review it and approve it, which can take up to 2 business days. So do not panic when you cannot find it right after you create and submit or edit an ad, it is pending until we release it. If you have more questions, please let us know! The ads are free, and run for 90 days, or you can let us know to remove it sooner when your item sells.

  3. Todd Shepherd says:

    Do you have any suggestions for an insurance provider for a screen printer & embroidery company?

    • Jennifer Cox says:

      We do Todd! Contact the folks at Amer/McKay Insurance!They specialize in business insurance for apparel decoration professionals. Reach them at 800-905-2637, 330-665-7952.

  4. Kim says:

    I am in need of a service tech in Columbus,Ohio. Maybe if someone is going to the embroidery show in Feb. we could work out a service call while you are in town. I have Toyota machines. Please reply to

  5. Steve Hippen (Karen Erickson) says:

    Sporting Good Store is in need of a machine operator. Location is in Northeast Ohio.
    Please e-mail or call and leave message 216-310-3710.

  6. Susan A. Whiting says:

    I am in desperate need of a service technician, in the Columbus, Ohio area, that has experience with a HAPPY 15 needle embroidery machine. Please contact me at

  7. fletcher says:

    do you charge for placing a classified ad if not a member? I was a long time member in the past.

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