DoDuds Apparel Drive in Ohio is a Success

As always at events presented by the National Network of Embroidery Professionals (NNEP), the Embroidery Network Foundation hosted a DoDuds Apparel Drive at the Embroidery Trade Show held March 30-31 at Sawmill Creek Resort in Huron, Ohio.

DoDuds Apparel Drive at ETS in 2012

The Embroidery Network Foundation (ENF), a 501(c)(3) entity, established by the NNEP, is designed to provide a channel for the commercial embroidery industry to respond to persons in need. The focus of the ENF is the collection of and distribution of new clothing to women's shelters and responding to those in need when they are faced with national or natural disasters.

Over 400 embroidery and apparel decoration business owners attend the Embroidery Trade Show and 23 companies participated as exhibitors.  Many of these attendees and exhibitors brought new apparel items for the DoDuds Apparel Drive.  One attendee even held a "donation party" before the trade show, inviting her friends and customers to bring in something for her to bring to the drive.

By the end of the drive, 286 pounds of goods were collected.  All of the collected items were inspected, sorted and packed immediately after the trade show!  Twelve boxes of goods were shipped to women’s shelters in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Kansas and Kentucky.

The letters that come back from the shelters are so heartwarming.  From notes from small children that now have a new sweatshirt or backpack to letters from administrators or volunteers, they all overflow with how much they appreciate these donations.  Thanks everyone that participated!

Thank You Notes from DoDuds recipients





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