NNEP Discovers Free Customized Marketing Report

Running a successful business in the embroidery, apparel decoration and promotional products industries is hard. Who has time to work ON the business, when you are always working IN it?

Marketing Help
At NNEP (National Network of Embroidery Professionals), we spend a huge amount of time trying stuff, researching best practices, testing ideas and finding new products that may be helpful to you as a business owner in these industries.

I just found this cool Marketing Report - and thought every independent business owner could benefit from this little goodie! Update your info right now to get this free, yet customized for YOU marketing report/tooll:

CLICK HERE now to update your information

Once you info is updated and confirmed, you will get another email with this cool marketing tool. You answer a handful of yes/no questions, and then you get back a FREE report that tells you what kinds of marketing strategies aremost likely to work best FOR YOU.

Even better - the report gives you a plan - what you should do and WHY, to become better at marketing your business!

Want lots more neat stuff like this little "goodie?" Update your information - click here now!  
We just want to confirm that we have your name and email address correct, and that info like this is of interest to you - that's it.

You will receive an occasional email about
special offers from industry suppliers, industry news, new products, tips, best practices, notices about industry events. You can stop the emails at any time, using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email. It is even on this one.

Make the transition from being an isolated business owner to launching andowning a successful business within a community of people that share your passion for success!

Your dream business is possible
! NNEP would love to help you make it happen more quickly and more easily.


Jennifer Cox


PS - What are you? I'd love to know what you are when you get your report, and if it fits you? Mine certainly did.

PPS - If you already received a note about this little goodie, my apologies. It is just such a helpful tool that I wanted to be sure we sent it out to everyone that would benefit from it.  


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