NNEP launches Creative Display Contest

One of the things that has bothered us here at NNEP about our industry for a very long time is how poorly we present our products to our customers and in our business locations. It seems like embroidery and apparel decoration professionals give little to no thought or effort to making their products look appealing, in their retail locations and in meetings with potential customers. We need to develop our merchandising and display skills.

We are an industry that is ALL about helping our customers put their best foot forward, about helping them look pulled together, helping them look good!

We want to raise awareness and elevate the display and merchandising game in this industry and help apparel decoration professionals become better at visually presenting their products and services WELL.

To bring attention to this, we are holding the NNEP's first annual Creative Display Contest. The contest categories are:

  • Retail Business Display
  • Online Business Display
  • Craft Show/Table Top/Event Display
  • Window Display
  • Sales Kit/Sales Presentation Display

To enter (once this contest is live, which will be very soon), all you have to do is send in a photo of your display and indicate in which category it should be entered. You can email your photo or mail it in, whatever is easiest for you. All entries received by the deadline (June 7, 2019, 5 PM eastern time) will be displayed at the NNEP's upcoming Embroidery Mart trade shows in Tennessee and in Indiana. Mart attendees and exhibitors will vote for their favorites in each category at the shows.

We are accepting contest sponsors and prize sponsors at this time. Sponsors will be included in all the printed and digital materials promoting this contest as well as receive mentions online.

If you would be interested in entering this contest, sponsoring the contest or sponsoring a prize for the contest, please let us know immediately by submitting this form:

NNEP's Creative Display Contest

We are excited to host this contest at the Embroidery Marts this summer and share creative display solutions with the industry!

FYI: One of the prizes is the 5.5” Mighty Hoop Starter Kit, valued at $541.00, donated by Hoopmaster!


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