There are so many reasons to renew your membership in NNEP:

  1. You SAVE TIME when you use the NNEP sourcing hotline!  You make $ when you are SELLING or SEWING, not when you are looking through piles of catalogs.
  2. You SAVE MONEY when you order from NNEP Preferred Vendors.
  3. You AVOID MISTAKES when you bounce ideas with the industry experts at NNEP.
  4. You have ACCESS to BEST PRACTICES whenever you have a challenge.
  5. You have ACCESS to industry-specific CONSULTANTS & EXPERTS whenever you have to handle a new challenge. WHY reinvent the wheel?
  6. Access your network of peers.  It is so hard to run your business in a vacuum.  As a member of NNEP, you are NOT ALONE!

Renew Your NNEP membership right now - it is quick and easy!

Renew NNEP Membership for 1 Year

Renew NNEP Membership for 2 Years

If you are an industry supplier,  renew your

NNEP Preferred Vendor Membership here:

Renew NNEP Membership as a Preferred Vendor

As always, if you have ANY questions about your NNEP membership,

contact us by email at

or give us a call at 800-866-7396.




One Response

  1. Kathy Morgan says:

    I don't wish to renew my membership at this time. I do want to receive the newsletters and info on the shows.
    Thank you so much
    Kathy Morgan

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