S&https://www.nnep.com/wp-content/cache/background-css/www.nnep.com/?wpr_t=1737050047038;S Activewear Rejoins NNEP Preferred Vendor Program
NNEP welcomes back S&S Activewear as our newest Preferred Vendor, supporting NNEP members with special pricing. We are pleased to welcome Melissa Hoblitzell and the entire S&S Activewear organization to the NNEP!
Open an account with S&S Activewear, the trendiest and the friendliest apparel supplier and receive case pricing as a member of NNEP!
NNEP Members - check your email for how to get your special NNEP member’s only pricing! We will send you an email on in the next few days with the updated information for Section 2 for your Embroidery Manual. 🙂