What Does YOUR Success Look Like?

What does the SUCCESS of your embroidery / apparel decoration business look like to you? At NNEP we work with so many different kinds of business owners and they each have a unique story of how they got into the business and a unique definition of their success. They are in business: Full-time Part-time For when I…
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Need a New Dance Partner?

  This has been a very interesting year for many business owners in the embroidery and apparel decoration industries. We've heard from business owners saying that by June 1 of this year, they've topped their total sales from ALL of 2012. We've also heard from business owners saying by June 1, they've done NOWHERE near…
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Enter Drawing for Free Hotel Night at NNEP's Embroidery Mart!

  Register for Embroidery Mart by June 15, 2013 to be entered in the drawing for one of three free nights at the Renaissance Hotel, which is connected to the Nashville Convention Center!  Three lucky attendees will get a free night.  You must be registered to attend Embroidery Mart by 6/15/13 to be in the…
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Respect the T-Shirt?

We (embroidery professionals, screen printers, apparel decorators) design, create and sell t-shirts - by the millions, literally! It is all to easy to take those t-shirts for granted. I think we can show a bit of respect to these t-shirts and here is why: Our logo'd and decorated t-shirts fill and even shape the lives…
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Drive an hour for THIS sea bass? Every time, and here's why

I am not that much of a "foodie." I enjoy a good meal out as much as the next person. But will I wait in a line longer than 15-20 minutes for a seat at a restaurant? Not willingly. I would rather go find something a little more off the beaten path. Do I eat…
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Another Day, Another Dollar

Another Day, Another Dollar... How MANY dollars - that is the REAL question! It is 5 PM and you are done working for today. As it is the end of the day, you are now off to the grocery store, to the ball field to watch one of your kids play, you are stopping to…
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WOW - NNEP's Embroidery Trade Show ROCKED!

I am always so excited to launch and host one of our NNEP embroidery and apparel decoration trade shows. They are incredibly fun and complex to build and a great time to host. And then after the event, I find the data just as fascinating. Here is what I have discovered at this year's Embroidery…
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$4-6,000 for NNEP Member!

How would you like the opportunity to earn $4-6,000 in a week? Well, an NNEP member is going to be able to do this! There are events all across the country that need an embroiderer - someone to come set up shop at the show throughout the event, and create custom embroidered goods for the…
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How Much Money Did I Make?

Do you know how much you make on your orders?  This is a different amount than how much money you collected! Check out this article in the February 2013 issue of Printwear Magazine to discover how you can KNOW what your profits are, and then what you can do to increase your profits when necessary!…
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Online Success Guide for Embroidery Businesses

Here is a great article in Stitches Magazine by Christopher Ruvo about what you as an embroidery business owner need to do to achieve success with your online business presence. When Chris called about the article, I was pleased to discover that the work we have been doing here at NNEP has helped NNEP become more…
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