WHAT is it going to take to get you there?

Hi there, I have a question for you, and I am truly interested in your answer. WHAT IS IT GOING TO TAKE to get you to attend an industry trade show? I just returned from exhibiting and teaching at the GraphicsPro Expo in Irving, Texas. The GraphicsPro team worked hard, put together and hosted a…
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Top 5 Reasons to Attend an Embroidery Trade Show

You may be thinking about attending one of the embroidery trade shows in 2019, but don’t quite know if it’s worth the effort. Attending a decorated apparel industry trade show can provide opportunities for your business to grow and flourish, but attending can also cost a pretty penny and put the brakes on job production while you are…
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NNEP's First Embroidery Mart

We are doing some spring cleaning here at the NNEP office this week and I came across some of these show directories, from the very first Embroidery Mart, held in Nashville in 2002. I have such vivid memories of this event - arriving at Opryland and just being WOWed by this hotel (it was spectacular),…
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Embroidery Mart-ATLANTA is next week!

  I love hanging out with other apparel decoration professionals. In general, they are fun, cool funky people that own their own businesses and are making it happen in those businesses. What is not to love, right? Well, I get to do this -- hang out with tons of fun, cool funky people -- next week at…
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Embroidery Mart Returns

Embroidery Mart is back - and it is just around the corner! Do you know what the single greatest thing you can do for your business is? Nope, it is not talking to your customers. It is not getting another employee. It is not mastering social media... It is attending a real-life industry event filled…
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See you at Embroidery Mart

If you are an embroidery or apparel decoration professional, Embroidery Mart-COLUMBUS is an industry trade show for YOU! Embroidery Mart is this Friday and Saturday, Feb. 10-11, 2017 in Columbus, Ohio. You will find embroidery machines, screen printing equipment, digital garment printers, heat presses, software, digitizing systems, cutters, and all the supplies, threads, backings and…
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Top 7 Reasons to Attend Embroidery Mart

  Here are the top 7 reasons why YOU should attend Embroidery Mart or any trade show in the embroidery and apparel decoration industry in the coming year: 1. Discover what is hot, what is trending. The industry suppliers are often the first people to see trends as they develop, because they see what things…
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2016 Embroidery Mart-COLUMBUS Summary

[rev_slider 2016c] Embroidery Mart-COLUMBUS was a very different experience from the show in 2015... No blizzard this year for starters. Instead we enjoyed mid 60s and sunny weather for the entire weekend! More than 800 embroidery and apparel decoration business owners met with 40 industry suppliers. Attendees participated in 15 classes covering topics from digitizing…
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Top 7 Reasons to Attend an Embroidery Trade Show in 2016

Here are the top 7 reasons why YOU should attend a trade show in the embroidery and apparel decoration industry in 2016: 1. Discover what's hot and trending in the industry. The industry suppliers are often the first people to see trends as they develop, because they see what things are popping across many businesses. If…
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Embroidery Trade Shows &https://www.nnep.com/wp-content/cache/background-css/www.nnep.com/?wpr_t=1743112639038; Industry Shows in 2016

What are you doing in 2016 to move your embroidery business forward? If you are not yet sure, I can help you with that! One of the best things you can do is attend an embroidery trade show. Even if you have been an embroidery business owner or apparel decoration professional for years, when you…
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