WHAT is it going to take to get you there?

Hi there, I have a question for you, and I am truly interested in your answer. WHAT IS IT GOING TO TAKE to get you to attend an industry trade show? I just returned from exhibiting and teaching at the GraphicsPro Expo in Irving, Texas. The GraphicsPro team worked hard, put together and hosted a…
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Make it worth your while

A new potential customer brings in a nice (expensive) leather tote bag and wants to get their company logo embroidered on it. Actually, they want to add their logo to many of these bags. How would you handle it, given the following: You have never worked on leather. It is a customer-provided product. It is…
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NNEP's 365+ Social Media Prompts Tool

so·cial me·di·a /ˌsōSHəl ˈmēdēə/  noun websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking  --- aka --- something you suspect that you should be doing regularly for your business, but you NEVER have the time and you never know what to post, so you rarely do it More than…
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Marketing Ideas for Less Than $100

If you are still in business, my hat is off to you! You are making it in spite of this pandemic. With just a few months left in 2020, you may be looking for ways to connect with new customers and to remind your existing customers that you are in business and ready to create…
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Home-Based Businesses Have the Advantage?

[Updated 3/22/2020] Oh the IRONY - For the first time that I have ever experienced, home-based businesses may have a significant advantage over the businesses that have retail storefronts or brick and mortar locations. I have served business owners in the embroidery and apparel decoration industries for more than two decades. Throughout all that time,…
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Embroidery Mart-ATLANTA Canceled

The National Network of Embroidery Professionals announced that the Embroidery Mart-ATLANTA trade show will not be held in May, 2020 at the Cobb Galleria Centre. This decision was made after continuous monitoring of the risks and impact of the COVID-19 Coronavirus throughout our country. We have been in constant contact with the Cobb Centre. We…
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Working with Contract Embroiderers and Apparel Decoration Professionals

How To Get Exactly What Your Customer Wants from Your Embroidery/Apparel Decoration Professional Embroidery and decorated apparel is the largest category in the promotional products industry. If you are a promotional products distributor, it is highly likely that you are talking with customers that need and want to buy apparel with logos on it. It…
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It Pays to be a Member of NNEP!

Want people to find you to buy embroidery? That is one of the many benefits of being a member of the National Network of Embroidery Professionals (NNEP)! It PAYS to be a member of NNEP. Here is just one example of this in action... We have potential customers from different areas of the country asking for…
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It IS Messy, and That's OK

I just heard from a member of NNEP who is feeling overwhelmed, even frustrated with her business at the moment. She asked, What programs or apps would make my business run better? How can I streamline my daily procedures? I feel like I am not doing things in the most efficient manner... It works, but…
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