4693 Kent Road | Kent, Ohio 44240

Tag: NNEP member benefits

Why Join NNEP?

We get asked the following question every day - Why should we become a member of NNEP? It is a fair question! You work hard, and you want to know what you will get for your money when you join. Today, I received this question from someone that is considering starting an embroidery business... We…
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More New Customers for NNEP Members

We have been hearing from lots of businesses lately and they are looking for embroidery professionals! When we get these calls or emails, we immediately forward these HOT leads on to members of NNEP. We include the person's contact information and the details they provided about their pending order. Sending HOT customers your way in…
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NNEP Does That?!?

I just received an email from a member of NNEP - she asked if NNEP helps her "source other items besides apparel?" YES -- You Betcha --YEP -- we sure do!!! In fact, nearly 30% of the requests for sourcing that we handle are for items that are NOT in your traditional wholesale garment distributor…
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