It is YOUR Future!

 "The bad news is that the past was in your hands but the good news is that the future, my friend, is also in your hands." - Andy Andrews, The Traveler's Gift So, here is the million dollar question: What are you doing TODAY, right this very moment, to craft the future YOU WANT for…
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alphabroder Acquires Ash City

  In case you have not been keeping up with the industry news as it relates to the rebranding of what used to be Alpha Shirt Company and Broder Bros, they are now known as alphabroder.  And they just acquired the brand Ash City! Check out this link in a recent issue of Printwear to…
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How to Talk Properly - on Social Media

We are excited to offer some great training to embroidery business owners this week - a webinar on Social Marketing! Whether you are trying to start an embroidery business, or make your embroidery business more successful, talking "properly" on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest can help you grow your business.  NNEP members can attend this training…
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How To Get Things DONE!

Getting things DONE - boy is that hard! Particularly when you own an embroidery business or apparel decoration business. You are pulled in so many different directions - all the time. You have to sell yourself and your products. Maybe you also have to produce your products. And do not even get me started about…
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How Much Does Waste Cost?

How much are errors actually costing you and your business?  Read on to find out - you just might be surprised! Check out my latest article in the November, 2013 issue of Printwear or click here to read it online: Printwear, November 2013 Digital Issue. How are you attempting to control your damages, lost goods,…
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What Does YOUR Success Look Like?

What does the SUCCESS of your embroidery / apparel decoration business look like to you? At NNEP we work with so many different kinds of business owners and they each have a unique story of how they got into the business and a unique definition of their success. They are in business: Full-time Part-time For when I…
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Protect Your Patent Idea

I learned something really interesting the other day, and it made me think of you - a creative business owner!  Why?  Because I have had many, many conversations over the years with NNEP members and  embroidery and apparel decoration business owners that go something like this, "You know, I have this great idea...." And many…
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Don’t Be Afraid to Be Outrageous

Outrageousness works. IF you have the guts.  And if you’re an entrepreneur, I know you have guts, so why are you afraid to let your story out? One of the most common reasons stated is this - “I’m afraid to alienate all my potential customers.”  Well, you don’t want EVERYONE to be your customer –…
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Get Customers To Do What You Want

If you have kids, how often do you find yourself saying things like “Why do I have to tell you five times before you do what I asked?!” Or, how about the many times you ask someone to do something for you and it never gets done? Then, there are those pesky customers. You run…
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Highly Memorable Marketing

I experienced something unique the other day - a highly memorable product with an equally memorable marketing plan. Experience it yourself here - Watch the video on their home page - just watch it! The people that brought this to my attention are as fascinated with marketing as I am. We were looking at…
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