Just fixed it - DUH!

Hey there - I just fixed a major "DUH!" here on the NNEP.com website, thanks to member Josie Sharp's bringing it to my attention. What was the major "DUH!," you ask? There was NO search tool!  I know, can you imagine???? Until a few moments ago, you could not look up anything on NNEP.com using…
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What "does it" for you?

As I walked the dog this evening, I enjoyed the change of season. For whatever reason, this annual transition, from summer to fall always brings me a sense of joy, peace, contentment - these words are close - but not quite "it." It is always something I feel at this time of year, and it…
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NNEP Does That?!?

I just received an email from a member of NNEP - she asked if NNEP helps her "source other items besides apparel?" YES -- You Betcha --YEP -- we sure do!!! In fact, nearly 30% of the requests for sourcing that we handle are for items that are NOT in your traditional wholesale garment distributor…
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NNEP Members - In the Know

Have you ever wanted to KNOW if your customer received your email?  Ever wanted to know if they actually opened it? If you use gmail or google mail, there is a solution for your curious mind! If you are not sure if your emails are getting read, check out Yesware, which lets you know when…
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It's that Simple

We work with NNEP members all day long, day after day.  Our purpose - to help members of NNEP to be more profitable, to move their businesses forward, to overcome what ever is standing in the way of their success. We are often asked a question that looks boils down to this, "How do I…
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Thriving with Stress Training for NNEP Members

  We are quite pleased to team up with Dr. Frank Wood to offer NNEP members a 4 week training class on Thriving With Stress. The first class begins THIS week, 9/24/13 at 1 PM Eastern time, and will continue for 3 more weeks on Tuesdays at 1 PM. We just emailed NNEP members the details…
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NNEP Lesson https://www.nnep.com/wp-content/cache/background-css/www.nnep.com/?wpr_t=1741820462472

Well, what can I say - apparently I/we here at NNEP have to learn some lessons the hard way. The lesson I learned the hard way recently is that if you are traveling with your computer or iPad, there are steps you should take before you even leave to protect yourself, should anything happen to your…
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Towel Hub Joins NNEP Preferred Vendor Program

TowelHub joins the NNEP as our newest Preferred Vendor, supporting NNEP members with special pricing. We are pleased to welcome Faisal Bhatti and the entire TowelHub organization to the NNEP! TowelHub® is purely a terry towel wholesale company selling towels at wholesale prices online. The more you buy, the less it costs. Their prices are…
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Thriving with Stress training for NNEP members

We are very excited to announce a webinar for NNEP members on 9/10/13 at 10:30 AM EST - Thriving with Stress, presented by Dr. Frank Wood. We just emailed NNEP members an invitation to this special event.  I have wrestled this very smart man into doing some stress management training for NNEP members.  He is…
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Risks &https://www.nnep.com/wp-content/cache/background-css/www.nnep.com/?wpr_t=1741820462038; Rewards

Check out this article in the September 2013 issue of Printwear Magazine by NNEP President Jennifer Cox about taking risks and the rewards that they may lead to.  Read about some business owners (and NNEP members) that took risks and tried something new, and how it worked out for them. What risks have you taken?…
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