Avoid that Rat Hole!

Rat holes? Yes - rat holes! Trust me - you want to AVOID them. What are rat holes, you ask? That is a very good question. Rat holes are the things that you spend time doing - with no results. Even worse, you have taken time away from doing things that DO generate results. Let me give you an example to better explain the toxicity…
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Will You Be Heard?

Steve Rosenbaum, one of the early online curators, shared something interesting a while back: Yesterday, 250 million photos were uploaded to Facebook, 864,000 hours of video were uploaded to YouTube, and 294 BILLION emails were sent. And that's not counting all the check-ins, friend requests, Yelp reviews and Amazon posts and pins on Pinterest. SO,…
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WOW - NNEP's Embroidery Trade Show ROCKED!

I am always so excited to launch and host one of our NNEP embroidery and apparel decoration trade shows. They are incredibly fun and complex to build and a great time to host. And then after the event, I find the data just as fascinating. Here is what I have discovered at this year's Embroidery…
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NNEP is off to Host Embroidery Trade Show

Just wanted to send along a quick heads up that the entire NNEP team is heading to Columbus tomorrow to set up Embroidery Trade Show. While the tradeshow does not open until Friday morning, the exhibitors start arriving tomorrow and setting up first thing on Thursday morning.  I keep saying that I want to set up a camera and take…
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Love Letters are the Best!

Who can resist a good love letter?  At NNEP, we certainly cannot!  We receive love letters from our members on a regular basis.  Often, they are odes about how great a particular NNEP preferred vendor is or about a specific product.  Occasionally, it is a heartfelt thanks after helping a member make a tough decision.…
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$4-6,000 for NNEP Member!

How would you like the opportunity to earn $4-6,000 in a week? Well, an NNEP member is going to be able to do this! There are events all across the country that need an embroiderer - someone to come set up shop at the show throughout the event, and create custom embroidered goods for the…
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How Much Money Did I Make?

Do you know how much you make on your orders?  This is a different amount than how much money you collected! Check out this article in the February 2013 issue of Printwear Magazine to discover how you can KNOW what your profits are, and then what you can do to increase your profits when necessary!…
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And the NNEP Winners Are...

What a fun way to start this morning here at NNEP! We just called the 3 winners of a free night at the  Renaissance Downtown Hotel in Columbus, the host site for Embroidery Trade Show.  We then called the Grand Prize winner, who won a free night at the hotel plus dinner in the restaurant…
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Sending New Customers to NNEP Members

Another good day here at NNEP!  We just sent an email to NNEP members with details about a customer looking for an embroiderer that can do their order for at least three  dozen shirts with embroidery and rhinestone designs. And the very best part?  The customer needs to place this order for this quantity (or…
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Search No More!

    Embroidery Trade Show   is in two weeks and we just came up with 5 more ways attending this event will help you "Find What You Need to Succeed" as one attendee put it! GREAT SUPPLIERS - You don't miss a beat when you meet with suppliers that want to do business with…
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