Pinterest for Business is a funky website that lets you save images and links for future reference. It is a visually-based electronic bulletin board, actually your own personal series of bulletin boards. While many folks enjoy using it and perusing it for personal enjoyment, there are ways to use this fairly new player in the Social Media…
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USPS is Stepping Up Their Game

Not many would put "USPS" and "innovative" in a sentence, which is certainly unfortunate for our intrepid USPS. Personally, I find it amazing that for less than 2 quarters, NNEP can move information from here to there, any time we need to or want to.  I am a BIG fan of the USPS and the…
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4 Tips to Maximize Linked In for Business

With 150+ milliion users, is now much more than “facebook for professionals.”  Actively and regularly connecting with the Linked In platform and this community of users is no longer optional. Make an appointment with yourself to use this site at least for 5-10 minute once a month, if not every other week. Adjust your…
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Online Success Guide for Embroidery Businesses

Here is a great article in Stitches Magazine by Christopher Ruvo about what you as an embroidery business owner need to do to achieve success with your online business presence. When Chris called about the article, I was pleased to discover that the work we have been doing here at NNEP has helped NNEP become more…
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Bridging the Gap Column

Check out the next column by NNEP's Jennifer Cox Bridging the Gap in the Jan. 2013 issue of Printwear Magazine. It is so much fun to feature the work of our NNEP members in these columns! Congratulations to Christel Hadid, Danielle Hall and Lynn Rhoades! What are you doing to bridge the gab between what your customers…
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How To Get on the Same Page Instantly

Have you ever been frustrated in a phone conversation because you and the person you are talking to really need to be on the same page, or more specifically, the same screen? Screen sharing is a slick technology that let's you and the person on the other end of the phone see the same information,…
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Save $50 with NNEP Preferred Vendor Names Limited

Names Limited, a NNEP preferred vendor, has updated their offer to NNEP members.  NNEP members can save $50 on their first order! First order FREE ($50.00 Limit). Names Limited specializes in heat press products for sports teams. Player Names, Numbers and Custom Art are available in a variety of ink and cad cut materials. Their…
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CorelDRAW Training for NNEP Members

If you struggle with CorelDRAW, you might like to know about this training coming in January, 2013! Here is the info we have on it: Beginning 7 January 2013 Prolink Graphic Services will be giving On-Line CorelDRAW classes on a weekly basis! On average, classes will be an hour in length. This will include a…
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NNEP finds New Source for Emblem Supplies

I just heard about a new source for you - Emblem Edge. They specialize in supplies and equipment for making patches, emblems.  They even have a video that explains how the edges of patches are made.  The binding is made by a special machine called a merrow machine.  Check it out here: Visit their website…
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NNEP Members Get New Customers

Yep, it just happened, AGAIN - we sent a new customer to NNEP members!  John Q Public called, actually her name is Pam this time, and she was in desperate need of an embroidery professional for an order of 60 items. "Could we help her find a good embroidery business that she could work with,"…
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