Top 7 Reasons to Attend an Embroidery Trade Show in 2016

Here are the top 7 reasons why YOU should attend a trade show in the embroidery and apparel decoration industry in 2016: 1. Discover what's hot and trending in the industry. The industry suppliers are often the first people to see trends as they develop, because they see what things are popping across many businesses. If…
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Recommendery 12/9/15 - How to Steal a Few Minutes of Peace (or Sanity!)

Life comes at us at warp speed. Sometimes, you just need a moment - to settle - to focus - to refocus - to breathe... or you just might go BONKERS! Ever feel like that? Yep, me too - not the best feeling, right? Get this nifty app (or just visit the website), Calm. Use…
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Recommendery - Stripe &; Pattern Maker 11/30/15

Another NNEP Recommendery - a random collection of things that we think are pretty cool... "Recommendery" (recommendations for embroidery folks) posts are added randomly as we find stuff that is share-worthy. How many of us ONLY do one thing, machine embroidery? Hardly any of us, from my experience of working with NNEP members over the past…
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Embroidery Trade Shows &; Industry Shows in 2016

What are you doing in 2016 to move your embroidery business forward? If you are not yet sure, I can help you with that! One of the best things you can do is attend an embroidery trade show. Even if you have been an embroidery business owner or apparel decoration professional for years, when you…
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NNEP = Google for Embroidery Business Owners

How are you doing today - with running your business? I hope you are chugging along full steam ahead - taking it where you see it in your heart of hearts. What a grand adventure, huh?   I have a quick question for you - how often do you find yourself wishing you had more…
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Recommendery - todoist -10/28/15

Here's another Recommendery for you... Life is complicated. Trying to remember what I wanted to grab at the store on the way home can be so annoying, and looking for the note I jotted down this morning - that is even MORE frustrating! I started using this little app todoist and now, all my notes of stuff…
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Yup, It IS Hard!

There is just no way around it - running your own business IS HARD! Sometimes it is very, very hard. And sometimes, it is so amazing you cannot believe just how fortunate you are. At those times, you may even feel a bit sad for all those "other people" that have to work for someone…
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Your Time - Use It Wisely!

I am always surprised at how much time business owners in this industry spend trying to find something for a customer. Hours are spent looking for a certain product, a font, a stock design because our customer described it to us and said that is what they want. When you go to the grocery store,…
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Recommendery 9/22/15

Welcome to NNEP's Recommendery - a random collection of things that we think are pretty cool... Watch for "Recommendery" (recommendations for embroidery folks) posts occasionally, they will be added randomly as we find stuff that is share-worthy. If you have something that you would like to recommend, shoot us an email at and we…
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I need to start digitizing because...

If I had a nickel for every time I have seen, heard or read a comment from an embroidery business owner along these lines... I am seriously considering purchasing digitizing software because I have to turn a lot of business away. I can't justify hiring someone to digitize a design for a few shirts. Does…
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