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It is that time of year again - the countdown until Christmas! This is often THE busiest time of year for many NNEP members and apparel decoration professionals. If you have not started to touch base with your customers about what they need to order as the end of the year approaches, now would be…
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Know Your Power (adapters)

If you are anything like us here at NNEP, it is HIGHLY likely that you have more than one laptop computer in your world. Here at NNEP, in fact, we have about 10 of them, as we use them at the Embroidery Mart trade shows, etc. I get frustrated trying to keep track of which…
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"I never know what to say..."

When working with members of NNEP (the National Network of Embroidery Professionals), we often hear something along the lines of, "I never know what to say..." And what is so surprising is that this statement comes up in nearly 50% of the conversations we have with NNEP members, each and every day! It does not matter if we…
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Embroidery Mart Feedback

After every embroidery trade show, here at the NNEP, we evaluate what went well and what we need to change. As we look ahead at building the next round of Embroidery Mart trade shows, we want to be sure that we meet your needs! To that end, your feedback is most appreciated. We would really appreciate…
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How You Say It Matters!

Another "ah-ha!" moment here at NNEP... as I was rebuilding the NNEP website. It was such a significant "ah-ha," that I wanted to touch base with you about it, as I think this one minor tweak could have an impact on your business as well! Here's what happened... I was creating the description for the…
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S&;S Activewear Rejoins NNEP Preferred Vendor Program

  NNEP welcomes back S&S Activewear as our newest Preferred Vendor, supporting NNEP members with special pricing. We are pleased to welcome Melissa Hoblitzell and the entire S&S Activewear organization to the NNEP! Open an account with S&S Activewear, the trendiest and the friendliest apparel supplier and receive case pricing as a member of NNEP! NNEP Members -…
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Pennant Sportswear Joins NNEP Preferred Vendor Program

Pennant Sportswear joins the NNEP as our newest Preferred Vendor, supporting NNEP members with special pricing. We are pleased to welcome Russ Evans and the entire Pennant Sportswear organization to the NNEP! If you’re in the market for apparel, Pennant Sportswear is your one stop shop.  Need hoodies?  Check out their Super 10 fleece; they are a premium weight…
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Ace Transfer Company Joins NNEP Preferred Vendor Program

Ace Transfer Company, Inc. joins the NNEP as our newest Preferred Vendor, supporting NNEP members with special pricing. We are pleased to welcome Diane and David Shaw and the entire Ace Transfer organization to the NNEP! Ace Transfer Company, Inc.  manufacturers high quality custom transfers. Their screen printed transfers look and feel better than direct screen printing. They provide…
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Embroidery Mart Winners

Congratulations to Embroidery Mart-NASHVILLE attendees Tonya Zayas, Cathy Roberts and Traci Cameron - they are all winners of a free night at the Hyatt Hotel in Downtown Nashville, compliments of NNEP! Can't wait to see everyone this week in Nashville - You CAN register at the door - just come to Music City Center Hall A2 -…
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NNEP (or at least NNEP Stuff) is on the road to Nashville!

It is always so much fun as we hit the final week before a NNEP trade show like Embroidery Mart-NASHVILLE. This morning was spent finishing up the packing and then double checking everything we need to bring to Nashville to bring Embroidery Mart to life. We then load it all on a pallet and the fun…
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