How to Beat the Odds and THRIVE

Check out this article 5 Strategies to Beat the Odds by NNEP's president Jennifer Cox in the August 2014 issue of Printwear Magazine. What are you doing to thrive as an embroidery or apparel decoration business owner? Share your suggestions below!

Trotec Laser Joins NNEP Preferred Vendor Program

  Trotec Laser joins the NNEP as our newest Preferred Vendor, supporting NNEP members with special pricing. We are pleased to welcome Kristina Jones and the entire Trotec Laser organization to the NNEP! Trotec lasers are the perfect complement to any embroidery or textile based shop. Laser engraving refines the surface of the material, which increases the quality of…
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How to Improve Your Password Security

I talked with a member of NNEP today about a nasty challenge they are facing at the moment - their website password was hacked, and everything in their business (and possibly their lives on a personal level) has been potentially compromised. What a nightmare!!! In my research on their behalf today, I came across some…
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Auto-Digitizing vs. Human Digitizing?

We often are asked about "auto digitizing," and just how much an embroiderer (particularly a new embroiderer) can count on their digitizing software to create their designs. We reply by saying that auto digitizing is a great starting point, a tool for basic designs - but that it simply cannot replace digitizing expertise and experience in…
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I.C.E. LLC Joins NNEP as New Preferred Vendor

When I see excellent embroidery work - it tends to catch my attention. While at the NNEP's Embroidery Mart-COLUMBUS, I was quite impressed with the split front appliques worn by some NNEP Ambassadors, David Benz and Rob Benz of I.C.E. LLC. The shirts were really well done, with a complicated split front applique design. I…
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Radiant Orchid Rules as 2014's Color of the Year

Each year in December, the Pantone Color Institute announces the "color of the year" for the coming year. In some industries, there is much fanfare as this color will have a significant impact on their products and even their merchandising and packaging over the coming 12 months. Radiant Orchid is THE color of 2014. It…
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Come See NNEP in Nashville this week

Stop by the NNEP booth at the Imprinted Sportswear Show in Nashville this week (Thursday-Friday-Saturday) and check out the NNEP's newest cool thing - the Embroidery Directory! "John Q. Public" contacts NNEP constantly, looking for referrals of great embroidery and apparel decoration professionals. NNEP now offers a way for John to find a local…
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Custom Image Digitizing Joins NNEP Preferred Vendor Program

Every embroidery professional needs great digitizing - for without it, we cannot create great embroidery. NNEP welcomes Custom Image Digitizing to the NNEP Preferred Vendor Program. They are top quality embroidery digitizers. All work done in the USA by experienced digitizers with over 25 years in the trade. Not getting your designs on time? Small lettering looks terrible? Edits…
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NNEP offers Anatomy of Most Effective Posts Infographic from SnapRetail

Here is a great infographic from NNEP Preferred Vendor SnapRetail about the anatomy of the most effective posts in social media! With effective and engaging posts, social media can quickly become your top source for sales referrals. Understanding the strategy behind social marketing is easy when you download SnapRetail's free guide to The Anatomy of the Most Effective Posts Tweets and…
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Creature Comfort Toys Joins NNEP Preferred Vendor Program

Everyone loves a snuggle buddy. And kids go bonkers for them when they are personalized, making them a truly significant and instant "best friend" to kids of all ages. NNEP welcomes Creature Comfort Toys and their line of embroiderable plush products to the NNEP Preferred Vendor Program. Embroider Buddy’s™ story began when inventor Donna Kotzer Jacobs…
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