NNEP's 365+ Social Media Prompts Tool

so·cial me·di·a /ˌsōSHəl ˈmēdēə/  noun websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking  --- aka --- something you suspect that you should be doing regularly for your business, but you NEVER have the time and you never know what to post, so you rarely do it More than…
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NNEP offers Anatomy of Most Effective Posts Infographic from SnapRetail

Here is a great infographic from NNEP Preferred Vendor SnapRetail about the anatomy of the most effective posts in social media! With effective and engaging posts, social media can quickly become your top source for sales referrals. Understanding the strategy behind social marketing is easy when you download SnapRetail's free guide to The Anatomy of the Most Effective Posts Tweets and…
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