URGENT if you have a website

Mobile phone getting informationIn 2008, the BIG news was that by 2014, mobile users would outpace desktop users when accessing the Internet. Indeed, this has come to pass. With that in mind, Google is changing the game (again). If you do not pay attention to this new world of the mobile-friendly internet, you will become overlooked, or WORSE, completely invisible!

In fact, Google has established a hard deadline for websites to become mobile-friendly so that they continue to rank well with this search engine, which some are now calling 'Mobilegeddon.' The deadline is April 21, 2015.

Here is an article on Entrepreneur.com about it - http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/244175.

Check to see if your website is mobile-friendly with this free tool from Google: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/

If your site does not pass this test, you will want to update your site so that it CAN pass, as Google will favor sites that are the most valuable results for their customers. And mobile is about to become a significant consideration in how your site ranks in Google results.

I just checked our websites, NNEP.com and EmbroideryMart.com. NNEP.com passed, but EmbroideryMart.com did not! I had to update the "theme" upon which the Embroidery Mart site is built and I still have some other changes to make so that it looks right on a mobile device. But at least we will not be docked by Google once the deadline passes. 🙂


3 Responses

  1. Brenda Blanks says:

    I did the mobile-friendly test, and my website, http://allthingspromoted.com, failed. I also read the page that showed how my page looked on a mobile device and I checked out the resources on that page. I am a member of ASI and my website is part of that program. I only input data on their template. I don't know much about creating a website and I have a Facebook page for my business, https://www.facebook.com/CSPELLC, Classic Screenprinting & Embroidery LLC, where I upload pictures on the items that we produce. Any advice on what I should do?

    • Jennifer Cox says:

      Brenda, I would definitely check with ASI, if they are the folks that provide your website, as I suspect they are working on this for ALL the people that have websites through them.

  2. Thank you for alerting us to this. I have a studio away from my home that is in a rental house I own. I have been reluctant on setting up a website besides Facebook because of my technology incompetence on knowing how. I have Google calling me Constantly wanting me to pay them for a place in there ecommerce site. Strange thing to me is, when I get a new customer whom I have never met, I always ask them how they found me, and they always say they Google area for embroidery shop and find me. Of course a lot of the times it is customers that can not find a shop to do it fast enough for their liking.

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