Wanted: Embroidery Professional

NNEP sends you customersWe met with a lot of apparel decorators at the most recent NBM show in Columbus, Ohio. The majority of them do NOT do embroidery in-house. We encouraged these business owners to reach out to NNEP when embroidery jobs came their way, as we would help them connect with embroidery business owners that could be their contract embroiderer. We just had another one of these opportunities land in the NNEP inbox.

I love sending jobs (and the money they bring in) to NNEP members! We just sent out another email to connect a business owner who is looking for an embroiderer to members of NNEP - BOOM!

Hopefully, we can route this work to a member of NNEP.

Wait, what --- you did NOT get this email?
Oh, well yeah, we only send it out to NNEP members...

Join NNEP today and put NNEP on your staff as part of your sales team!

Join NNEP NOW at NNEP.com/join


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